"Ninfield Flower Group is a friendly, active group, with around 50 members.  It holds monthly meetings,  which range from demonstrations, classes and workshops together with an annual dinner.  It also organises occasional outings to places such as Chelsea Flower Show,  Hampton Court Flower Show and major flower festivals.

Ninfield Flower Group has been organising flower festivals for many years and has raised over £45,000 for charity over the years. Members have also taken part in festivals for other flower clubs, local churches and Sussex Area Flower Festivals, as well as representing Sussex Area at the National Competitions in Edinburgh.  In recent years, several members have been invited to arrange flowers at both Westminster Abbey and Southwark Cathedral.

The Group is affiliated to Sussex Area of NAFAS, which in its turn is affiliated to the National Association of Flower Arranging Societies (NAFAS).



Ninfield Flower Group meets usually on the first Monday in the month (excluding August) at:

Ninfield Memorial Hall, Bexhill Road, Ninfield TN33 9EE.

Membership fees are £35.00 per year (from 1st October) 

Visitors are charged £5.00 per meeting.


There is a sales table, where floral accessories can be bought.  There is usually a raffle, when the demonstrator's flower arrangements are the prizes. 

The Open meetings with a National Demonstrator are normally held on the first Friday in December; these are special events and include refreshments.  These meetings are costed separately. 

For more information, please email the Secretary at ninfieldflowers@gmail.com 


The Flower Group is run by a committee comprising three Officers:

Chairman (Helen Cunliffe)

Honorary Secretary (Alice Furlong)

Honorary Treasurer (Alice Furlong)

Committee Members are:

Jennifer Collett (Programme Secretary)

Hazel Wood (Publicity)

Jacqueline Davies 

Janet Farmer

Sarah Benstead

2024 programme is available to download from the 'Current Programme' page

If you are interested in joining or just coming to a meeting, please email ninfieldflowers   @gmail.com      for more information