Current Programme
PROGRAMME FOR 2024 Meetings start at 7pm unless otherwise shown, with refreshments from 6.30pm
Monday February 5th Annual General Meeting
Competition: An arrangement with 5 flowers
Monday March 4th Eloise Hasler-Stott ‘A Spring Walk’
Saturday March 9th Jumble Sale starts at 2pm
Monday April 8th Duncan Ward ‘A Day trip to Brighton’
Monday May 13th Helga Cukure Title to be confirmed
Monday June 3rd Alison Gallant ‘Putting on the Ritz’
28th - 30th June Flower Festival 'Jubilate' at St Peter's Church, Bexhill
Monday July 1st Barbara Caldecourt ‘Calendar Moments’
Monday August 5th “Homemade”
Monday Sept 2nd Claire Bryant ‘And now for something completely different'
Monday October 7th Helen Hare ‘Days of Autumn’
Saturday October 12th Jumble Sale
Monday November 4th Workshop
Friday December 6th Ian Lloyd ‘A Cheshire Christmas’.
Tickets will be on sale in September.